The Swiss cheese plant (Monstera adansonii) is named for its big, heart-shaped leaves that fenestrate as it ages. The leaves look like Swiss cheese. Swiss cheese plants, tropical perennials from Central and South America, are grown indoors.Monstera adansonii hanging makes the place look good.
It’s very important to know that all parts of Swiss cheese plants are toxic to pests. So you need to be careful when you are growing them inside your home doors.
Monstera adansonii, like Monstera deliciosa (the Swiss cheese plant), grows quickly and vines. When it is cultivated outdoors, the Swiss cheese plant can reach 10–13 feet tall, but in a container inside, it stays between 3 and 8 feet tall. In ideal indirect light, Swiss cheese plants grow one to two feet each year as houseplants. Therefore, the Swiss cheese plant is usually developed from young nursery plants and can be planted at any time.
There are commonly two forms of Monstera adansonii:
- Monstera adansonii narrow form.
- Monstera adansonii wide form.
When growing Monstera indoors, remember that all portions of it are poisonous to pets.
Plant properties
Property | Details |
Common Name | Swiss cheese plant, vine, five-hole plant, cheese plant |
Botanical Name | Monstera adansonii |
Family | Araceae |
Plant Type | Perennial plant |
Height | 10-13 feet outside, 3-8 feet indoors |
Width | 1-3 feet |
Solar Exposure | Partial |
Soil Type | Moisture-rich, well-drained soil with acidic or neutral pH |
Bloom Season | Spring (no indoor blooming) |
Flower Color | White |
USDA Hardiness Zones | 10-12 |
Native Area | Central, South America |
Toxicity | Pet-toxic |
Caring for Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)
Caring for Swiss cheese plant is essential; do it this way:
Monstera adansonii light
Monstera adansonii grows in bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch foliage. Limit direct sunlight to two or three hours in the morning if necessary.
Swiss cheese plants thrive in peat-based potting mix, which retains moisture without becoming soggy. For healthy development, keep soil pH between 5.5 and 7.
When the top inch of soil is dry, water your Swiss cheese plant. Keep the soil wet but not waterlogged. However, A well-draining clay container regulates moisture.
Temperature, humidity
Above 50% humidity and 60°F to 85°F temperatures are ideal for Swiss cheese plants. A warm, well-lit, draft-free bathroom is ideal for this plant. Put a pebble tray or humidifier in the space to improve humidity.
During the growing season (May–September), use a 5-2-3 houseplant fertilizer monthly. After potting, wait four to six months because the potting mix usually contains slow-release fertilizer, and sensitive roots require time to settle after being transferred.
Support and Staking
Swiss cheese plants are strong climbers with aerial roots that brace against the ground or support. These roots will let it climb a tree or woody vine in the wild. Putting a wooden, metal, or plastic stake in the pot’s center is the easiest way to keep it from escaping.
Swiss cheese plants are climbers, therefore they may need to be clipped if they outgrow their space. Springs are great for pruning Swiss cheese plants (you can reproduce everything you cut). Limit stem cutting to 25% with sterile pruning shears. Cutting the stem above a leaf node keeps it in place. As needed, remove dead or damaged leaves.
Swiss Cheese Plant Types
Monstera related to Swiss cheese include:
Monstera Species
Monstera Species | Description |
Monstera deliciosa | Has bigger leaves than Monstera adansonii. |
Monstera borsigiana | Grows faster and smaller compared to Monstera deliciosa. |
Monstera obliqua | Resembles Monstera adansonii but has thinner, more pitted leaves. |
Monstera dubia | Has gorgeous variegated leaves. |
Monstera siltepecana | ‘El Salvador’ has silvery-variegated lance-shaped leaves. |
Monstera standleyana albo | Displays spectacular coloring on its long, thin, dark green and creamy white variegated leaves. |
Monstera pinnatipartita | Fast-growing, thick-leafed plant with beautiful fenestration develops as leaves mature and flourish. |
The Best Pot for Potting and Repotting Monstera adansonii
Swiss cheese plants can grow in any drainage-holed container. This plant looks great in hanging baskets. When potting a nursery plant, choose a container somewhat larger than the root ball. Use peat-based potting mix to place it at the same depth as its nursery container.
When to Repot
Repot your Swiss cheese plant every two years in a larger container with fresh potting mix. Roots that peek through drainage holes or the soil line indicate repotting. Repotting may be needed if the soil dries out soon. Spring is great for potting and repotting.
Common Plant & Pest Diseases
Mealybugs, spider mites, scales, and whitefly may attack the Swiss cheese plant. These pests are rarely lethal and can be treated with neem oil or a harmless insecticide. Root rot, rust, powdery mildew, and blight should also be watched for.
Common Monstera adansonii Issues
In its ideal conditions, the Swiss cheese plant rarely causes problems. If its environmental needs can’t be met indoors, it can develop several typical ailments.
Yellowing Leaves
Yellow leaves often arise from overwatering. Avoid damp soil and let your plant dry out between waterings.
Curled Leaves
Curled or wrinkled Swiss cheese plant leaves may indicate dry or waterlogged soil. Water well-draining potting soil until the top one-two inches dry and water runs out of the drainage holes.
Turning Black Leaves
Leaf burn from direct sunlight can cause black markings. Watch your plant throughout the day to avoid prolonged direct sunlight. It needs protection from strong afternoon sun.
Leaf Dropping
This indicates over- or under-watering. When the top two inches of soil are dry, water thoroughly until the soil is moist and water runs out of the container drainage holes.
Leaves falling off or not growing
Too little light may cause your Swiss cheese plant’s leaves to drop off or not grow. Bright yet indirect sunlight suits this plant. Moreover, bright morning sunshine is better than afternoon sunlight if indirect light is unavailable.
Non-splitting leaves
Fenestration (splitting) gives monstera its characteristic aspect, which growers appreciate. Too little light prevents monstera leaves from splitting. To avoid damaging the plant, gradually increase light exposure.
Swiss Cheese Plant vs. Monstera—Difference?
Monstera deliciosa, a massive, big-leafed plant, is called Monstera, while Monstera adansonii, a little, thin, oblong plant, is called Swiss cheese plant. The name Monstera deliciosa, “Swiss cheese plant,” causes confusion. You can find the botanic name on a plant tag or ask about it. Many plants have the same popular name.
How to care for Monstera adansonii?Grow such plants in pots with holes. Keep them in a high place where they can get full, bright sunshine. Trim them regularly to shape them as you desire. Water them carefully, as they also need humidity to grow. You have to maintain artificial humidity in the winter.
Is Monstera adansonii toxic to cats?Yes, it is toxic to cats. Calcium oxalate crystals in it can cause irritation and infection in cats.
Why is my Monstera adansonii turning yellow?There are multiple reasons that Monstera adansonii can turn yellow. The most common reason is watering them at an inappropriate time. Sometimes, an increase in humidity may also turn the leaves yellow.
Are Swiss cheese plants toxic to dogs?Like cats, this plant is also toxic to dogs. It causes oral irritation in them, resulting in vomiting. Contact the nearby vet immediately upon finding potential contact between dogs and Swiss cheese plants.
How to propagate Swiss cheese plant?Stem cuttings are the easiest way to reproduce Swiss cheese. This is an affordable approach to buying fresh plants and reusing pruned stems. Propagation is best in the spring. So how:
- Cut a 4- to 6-inch stem after a leaf node (the node stays). Remove leaves from the bottom third to half of the cutting.
- Use rooting hormone on the cut end.
- The cutting should be planted in damp soilless potting mix in a small container with drainage holes. Place it in bright, indirect, warm light.
- Maintain a light growth medium moisture.
- After a few months, the cutting should have well-formed roots and can be moved to a larger container.
Why is my Swiss cheese plant turning brown?Swiss cheese plants need proper sunlight and well-scheduled watering. In winter, these plants turn brown because they are not fully exposed to the sun, and another reason is that the soil is too wet. That’s why they turn brown.