The pink princess philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) is a striking tropical plant known for its heart-shaped leaves, which have garnered significant attention and admiration. Plant parents who appreciate vibrant colors in their gardens highly value this plant’s leaves.
With their deep emerald green and ballet slipper pink varieties, they stand out among the many philodendron plant varieties. The pink princess, also referred to as PPP by plant collectors, is a visually captivating specimen.

The pink hue of this houseplant requires a consistent schedule for optimal growth and development, despite its low-maintenance nature. Discover expert tips for effectively caring for a pink princess philodendron.
Pink Princess Philodendron Care
The pink princess philodendron is a plant species that is native to South America, specifically Colombia. Its unique coloration is not visible until its leaves unfurl. The vibrant pink splashes distinguish the aroid plant of the Araneae genus. Maintaining the appropriate conditions of water, light, soil, and humidity is crucial for successful growth.
We recommend watering the Plant Protection Program (PPP) exclusively when the upper portion of the soil is devoid of moisture. We recommend gently touching the soil’s surface before watering your plant. If the soil feels parched and crumbles when touched, it’s time to irrigate.
In cooler temperatures, you should water your PPP every one to two weeks. However, in warmer weather, it is advisable to water your plant more frequently. Pink princess philodendron is known for its drought tolerance, but it can be susceptible to overwatering.
To prevent root rot, it is important to adhere to a consistent plant watering schedule and regularly assess the soil condition before applying water.
If the pink philodendron princess’s leaves do not receive enough light, they may lose their pink color and turn green. To prevent this, locate a spot in your home that benefits from ample, indirect sunlight. In order to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your home, it is advisable to consider using a grow light, especially if it does not receive ample natural light.
The optimal growth conditions for Pink Princess Philodendron are nutrient-rich and well-draining soil. Aroid plants, such as this one, possess aerial roots that exhibit a preference for moisture. To create an ideal medium for your pink princess, consider combining peat, perlite, bark, or moss.
Humidity and temperature
Humidity and temperature play crucial roles in regulating environmental conditions.
Pink princess philodendron, similar to other tropical plants, thrives in warm and humid environments. We recommend maintaining a consistent temperature above 79 degrees Fahrenheit and below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pink princess philodendron propagation is an effective method for expanding one’s collection because of its rarity and high cost. Water propagation is considered the most straightforward method for growing a new plant from a stem cut. To properly prepare the cutting, start by cutting below a leaf and several nodes near the stem. Next, carefully submerge the cutting in a container of water, ensuring the nodes remain submerged. After the new roots have grown to approximately one inch in length, proceed to transfer the cutting to the soil.
Repotting of the Pink Princess Philodendron
While it may be tempting to move your pink princess to a different pot, it is advisable to repot it every year. Consider waiting a month after bringing your plant home to allow it enough time to acclimate and avoid any potential stressors. Once the organism has reached its maximum size, repotte it.
When roots emerge from the drainage holes, it’s the right time to repot. Before repotting your plant, it is advisable to wait until it requires watering. This will allow you to carefully pack it into its new pot. The new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one, with two to four inches of extra space, and it should have drainage holes on the bottom.
Issues with Pink Princess Philodendrons
Monitoring a philodendron’s leaves for any alterations is an effective strategy for mitigating potential issues.
The leaves do not have a pink color
The pink princess philodendron leaves exhibit a consistent pink color under optimal conditions. However, factors like light intensity and humidity levels can influence their coloration. Excessive light can cause the leaves to turn brown, while in the absence of light, the leaves will return to their original green color.
Regrettably, the retention of the pink variegation becomes unattainable once the leaves transition to a green coloration.
People often mistake the pink princess philodendron for the philodendron pink congo, even though the latter is not a naturally mutated plant. Chemical injections are responsible for the pink hue of the leaves.
The leaves of an authentic philodendron pink princess exhibit a smooth texture and display a combination of pink and green hues, rather than being one color. Additionally, these leaves have a downward droop and a wavy edge, rather than a straight one.
Brown spots on leaves
The presence of brown spots on your plant may indicate excessive sunlight exposure. Consider moving it to a location with less exposure to direct sunlight. Alternatively, the observed phenomenon may indicate the presence of a fungal infection in your plant. To prevent fungus development, it is important to avoid excessive watering. We also recommend pruning any affected leaves.
The process of wilting leaves
Wilted leaves are one of the first signs of root rot, which overwatering can cause. Before watering, make sure the top half of the soil is dry.
Philodendron plants are susceptible to various pests, including common insects such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and fungus gnats. Applying neem oil to your philodendron plants is a straightforward and organic method of treatment.
What is the price range for a Pink Princess Philodendron?
This climbing houseplant is relatively expensive, with prices starting at around $30 for a small plant. As the size increases and the pinkness intensifies, the price tends to rise, reaching approximately $100. The potential for the PPP to unfurl without a significant amount of pink is a factor that growers consider when determining the price, taking into account the variation in leaves. In certain instances, the plant’s price has fluctuated between $500 and $2,000, particularly following an increase in interest in 2021.
How can I purchase a pink princess philodendron?
This rare plant is rarely encountered at a local plant nursery or store. Online retailers such as Amazon, Horti, The Home Depot, Etsy, and Facebook Marketplace offer pink princess philodendron for purchase. Online retailers offer a wide range of plant varieties for purchase, including cuttings, small plants, and large, mature plants.
Philodendron Black Cherry vs Pink Princess
Leaf Color
Black Cherry’s leaves are dark red to black, while Pink Princess’ leaves are mottled with pink spots.
Makeup of Genes
Black Cherry is a cross between Philodendron melanochrysum and Philodendron “Pink Princess.” Pink Princess, on the other hand, is a type of Philodendron erubescens.
How do they look
The Black Cherry boasts larger leaves shaped like hearts, all of the same color. On the other hand, Pink Princess features smaller leaves striped with green, white, and pink.
Both plants are liked by people who like houseplants, but Pink Princess is often sought after because of its unique stripes.