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Pest control names and different types of pest

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Basically, pest is the living thing that can cause damage to any other living organisms like animals, plants, crops, or humans also. The term “Pest Control “depicts the control of these pest by any means so that our animals, plants, crops, fields become safe for the humans. Pest control is totally dependent on human’s retaliation. David And Blinks, in 2020 approaches with an idea that the pests cannot be eliminated completely but we can modulate their spread and lessen the destruction of our components of the ecosystem.To assist you in selecting the best service, learn about well-known pest control names . To keep bugs out of your home, look for reputable pest control companies.”



The type of pests that can harm many plant species like cotton leafworm, locust.


The type of pests that have an effect to more than one plant but from only one species or family like peppers and eggplant.

Monohost Pest

These are types of pest that invade only one kind of plant host like banana aphid.


Biological control of pests

With optimal human oversight controlling the pests with the help of other living organisms is called as Biological control of pests. The different approaches to this include, predation, parasitism, herbivory, parasitody and some more natural methods. Ideally the different types of insects breed that can feed on the harmful insects is nurtured in the laboratory and then released to the targeted area to control the pests. Those insects can live long and provide beneficial results. The biological method is the crucial part of the integrated pest management program. For example, to control the increase of mosquitoes the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis is used widely.

Cultural control

In the cultural control the mechanical pest control methods are used. In which there will be a protective barrier in between the insects and plants. This method is associated with tillage and it is the oldest method for the weed control or pest control.

Trap cropping

In this technique the insects are being mislead by introducing a new plant crop that is more favorable to them without any pest control, the insects focus on that crop rather than the original one. The problem with this type of technique so that it is more expensive to the farmers and cannot be manage by all the people. One more drawback is that the insects also come to the original crop.

Chemical pest control:

pest control names


This is the most commonly used method of pest control. These are the elements or chemicals that can be applied or sprayed to the plants to get rid of pests. Such as to kill fungi there are fungicides, to kill insects there are insecticides, to kill weeds there are herbicides. The effectiveness of the pesticides is depleting over time as if the insects developed the resistance against that chemical and pass it on to offspring’s then they will no more get effected by that chemical. The more concentrated chemicals and more frequent applications and more expensive formulations are needed.


Some examples of names of pesticides that are widely used:

  • Atrazine
  • Chlordane
  • Chlordecone
  • Endosulfan
  • Endrin
  • Glyphosate Methylene chloride
  • and many more.


Some examples of names of insecticides that are widely used:

  • Aldrin
  • Allethrin
  • Allicin
  • Bioresmethrin
  • Bistrifluron
  • Borax
  • Boric Acid
  • Carbosulfan
  • Cartap and many more.


Some examples of names of herbicides that are widely used:

  • Cyclohexylethylthiocarbamate, MOA 3
  • DCPA, MOA 3
  • Ethofumesate, MOA 8 Pyroxasulfone, MOA 15
  • And many more.


Physical control of pests:

There are several methods for the physical control of pest like to seal area or trap the insects so on, but some are very unique methods that a person can’t imagine for example by using the vacuum for the pest control for improving the field service operations.

Exclusion methods and barriers 

In this type the pests are controlled through barriers as the name suggests. There are two types of barriers, one is physical barrier and the other is chemical barrier. The physical barrier means to apply a sheet of glass or anything that can block the way for insects or animals, like if the roaches and rodents come through the lower line of the door then physically blocking that area will help a lot.

On the other hand, the chemical barriers are the ones which can be some kind of sheets, glass or net that is sprayed with the strong chemical for pests. These types are mostly used with rodents and roaches type of pests or animals.

 Traps and capture devices

Certain types of traps and capture devices helped a lot in catching the many types of bugs, flies etc.

Here are some common examples of these devices:

one For catching the crawling insects, mice, and also lizards we can use glue boards. one For capturing and drowning garden pests like slugs we can use the dishes of beer. one Refillable bait station for capturing rats.

Interated pest management technique IPM


Integrated pest control management technique is being used by combining different techniques to combat the pests. The different types of techniques are customized in a pattern. Its main features include:

  • The people and environment are focused to have a very little or no impact.
  • The plan is customized by closely looking at the ecosystem as a whole.
  • More and more the natural pest management techniques or substances are used.
  • The substantial advantage of IPM is the little used of pesticides that is favorable for customers.

Pest control business:

Pest control business is very effective in providing the customers the healthy and safe products. These types of companies have enormous beneficial effects to our ecosystem.

Pest control business requires the efficient names to depict their approaches, effectiveness and results for the sake of environment.

Here we have described some of the examples to name your pest control business.

Some examples of artistic pest control names:

Pest control names should be imaginative and unique enough to attract the customers and also showing its efficacy

For example

  • Pest Groomers
  • Bug Off!
  • All Pests Go The Insectarium
  • Critter Control.

Some examples of amusing pest control names:

Sometimes the people may attract by the funky and interesting names like,

  • Pest Masters of the Universe
  • Bed Bug Beatdown Pest Exterminators Anonymous
  • Creepy Crawly Control.

Some examples of up to date pest control names:

To create some names that are used for modern people are as follows:

  • The Bug Squad
  • Pest Control Solutions Eco Exterminators
  • Chemical Free Critters
  • Greener Pest Management

Some examples of peasant pest control names:

For more rustic approach we can use these kinds of ideas:

  • Nature’s Defenders
  • Backyard Bug Crushers
  • Natural Nuisances
  • Green Guardians


1.What are the types of methods for pest control? Name them?

Ans.  There are many types of pest control:

In agriculture there are biological, cultural, trap cropping and chemical pest control.

In home and cities there are physical pest control method (exclusion, barriers, traps).

And Integrated pest management method (IPM).

2.What are the different types of pest?

Ans. General:

The type of pests that can harm many plant species like cotton leafworm, locust.


The type of pests that have an effect to more than one plant but from only one species or family like peppers and eggplant.

Monohost Pest:

These are types of pest that invade only one kind of plant host like banana aphid.

3.What are examples of modern names for pest control business?

Ans. To create some names that are used for modern people are as follows:

  • The Bug Squad
  • Pest Control Solutions Eco Exterminators
  • Chemical Free Critters
  • Greener Pest Management

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About the author

Meet Emma White, a professional content writer at Quick Home Experts specializing in pest control. With a strong sense for fact and a passion for keeping homes safe and pest free, Emma brings a fresh perspective to our team. Her background in pest management and prevention enables her to craft attractive and informative articles that empower and educate our readers. Emma is committed to providing real world tips and new solutions to help you maintain a pest free home. Stay tuned for her expert insights and the latest strategies in pest control!

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